Posts tagged standardization

When an agent leaves your contact center, you don’t only lose productivity while the seat is empty. Oh no. You also lose productivity the entire time it takes to train the new agent. Once training is done, you lose productivity while the new agent becomes acclimated. You lose productivity until the day the agent becomes competent in the new role. And how long does that take?

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Onboarding consists of small actions that add up to helping a new employee feel like an old employee in no time.

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Since founding Singola, we have walked into a lot of healthcare buildings, and we’re going to let you in on a little secret: we can tell by the end of the introductory meeting if the organization will succeed at what it is trying to do.

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As we discussed last week, creating a centralized contact center can have tremendous benefits for an organization and their patients. We ended that post by saying that the benefits only emerge with the proper planning, so let’s talk some more about what “proper planning” means. In some cases, planning for centralization may actually lead you to the conclusion that decentralization is the smarter option.

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When it comes to providing great service from a healthcare organization, a convincing case can be made to create a centralized contact center.

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