Posts tagged Tech

We understand the desire to want the newest, shiniest technology advancements; they are pretty cool. We have seen firsthand in the field how, when used properly, technology truly can make a difference for patients and help the enterprise with its bottom line. We have outlined some of the different types of technology available and how they could be useful to you.

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When talking about mobile health, focus often drifts towards patient-facing apps and technology, but that’s not even close to describing the full scope of mobile healthcare. An abundance of apps and tools now exist–some estimates place the number at 95,000–to help healthcare providers, and the technology developments allow for some amazing new opportunities.

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We’ve written before about how start-ups are changing healthcare, and much of that comes from the recent influx of accessible technology. Smartphones didn’t just change the way we communicate, they’re changing the way we do healthcare. For that reason, we’re dedicating all of April to looking at Mobile Health.

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There’s no denying it, America is in a full-blown startup craze. Combined with the Affordable Care Act’s new rules and regulations, more and more entrepreneurs look to healthcare as the place for the next big thing. With estimates placing the value of the healthcare industry at $2.8 trillion, they might be onto something.

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