We’ve written before about how start-ups are changing healthcare, and much of that comes from the recent influx of accessible technology. Smartphones didn’t just change the way we communicate, they’re changing the way we do healthcare. For that reason, we’re dedicating all of April to looking at Mobile Health.
Continue readingContact Center ROI month is here, and we have plenty of information to share. We know there can be confusion about the many ways to measure contact center performance, but it’s important to understand the differences between them in order to encourage meaningful action. It’s common to confuse these key terms, but let’s set the record straight.
Continue readingAt Singola Consulting, a big part of our contact center work comes from helping clients realize their investment. While ROI is a great tool to figure out if the contact center is financially successful, we also know that ROI, done right, can be an indispensable tool to support their patient satisfaction and engagement strategies. And at Singola, it’s all about the patient.
Continue readingThere’s no denying it, America is in a full-blown startup craze. Combined with the Affordable Care Act’s new rules and regulations, more and more entrepreneurs look to healthcare as the place for the next big thing. With estimates placing the value of the healthcare industry at $2.8 trillion, they might be onto something.
Continue readingAs we discussed last week, creating a centralized contact center can have tremendous benefits for an organization and their patients. We ended that post by saying that the benefits only emerge with the proper planning, so let’s talk some more about what “proper planning” means. In some cases, planning for centralization may actually lead you to the conclusion that decentralization is the smarter option.
Continue readingWhen it comes to providing great service from a healthcare organization, a convincing case can be made to create a centralized contact center.
Continue readingNot a day goes by without someone in our organization reminding the others: keep the patient at the center of every decision you make. It’s easy to get caught up in the nitty-gritty of a healthcare organization and forget who it’s for, and remembering that we’re helping people get better care drives us all to work harder and do better…
Continue readingHere at Singola Consulting, we thrive in a fast-paced environment and love the organizations that want to make changes, update their technology, and provide an ever-better patient experience, but sometimes after doing an assessment we end up being the ones to put the brake on…
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